You should be drinking: La Garagista

Did you know that you can buy wine made in Vermont from grapes GROWN in Vermont? Incroyable!

Back in December I was at the fantastic Eat Boutique event and was given a taste of this wine. My first taste was less than appropriate - I puckered up like a toddler who'd just had her first taste of a lemon. In fairness I am not a big wine drinker usually, and I'd just eaten a delicious maple and bacon donut from Union Square Donuts (you know the one I am talking about) so my tastebuds were all hopped up on sugar. Not ideal for wine tasting.

But then I tasted the Vinu Jancu and all of a sudden I totally got it. It's the wine of my people.

No seriously, my Meme was from the town of L'Etoile in the Jura and her people were wine people, vin jaune people: bakers AND wine makers. One taste of the vinu jancu (Sicilian for orange wine) and the French DNA in me lit up like sparklers. Fortunately I was able to share this moment with the maker, a marvelous woman by the name of Deirdre Heekin who, with her partner Caleb Barber, also run Osteria Pane e Salute in Woodstock Vermont.

It was a real epiphany.

Anyway, so since December I've been waiting to get my hands on more of this wine and I finally did last night at a wine tasting at Central Bottle in Central Square. Yes, I crossed the river to The Other Side, but it was for wine, so it's all good.

Now I have my own stash, as well as a stash for my Maman. And if you are smart, you will also get a stash of this wine. Find them on Facebook: Osteria Pane e Salute / La Garagista and get notified of where and when you can taste this very good wine.


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