Farmers to You is coming to me.

The other day I saw a mention of this program called Farmers to You on Universal Hub. The idea of getting food directly from the farm is something a hungry girl in the city dreams of, so naturally I wanted to sign up immediately. 

I've previously signed up for Boston Organics, but I am just so American in that I don't like not having a choice. Farmers to You does ask that you spend $30 a week minimum, about the same as Boston Organics, but you get to pick what you want. 

Which means I won't be getting any romaine lettuce. Thank god. 
I have to admit, it was tough to get through the whole BO box in a week. I think it was just hard for me to be motivated to eat stuff I didn't particularly care for, like red leaf lettuce.  Lettuce isn't terrible, but more than one two three meals of it is. 

So I cancelled the service. 

This time around, I emailed the folks at Farmers to You and asked them what feedback they had from other people who eat for one and who don't want to get stuck with seven pounds of rutabagas to eat in a week. 

The response was quick and friendly and the result is that I have signed up and committed to six weeks. Hopefully this will work out. It's sort of like a farm share in a way except that I get to pick what I want AND have it delivered to my work. 

For the next six weeks, starting today, I will have some sort of post relating to this service. 

I am cautiously optimistic that it is going to be AWESOME. 


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