Check, check, check it out - Double Take giveaway!

There are a lot of things I love about my job and this is one: our office has a full kitchen and we are encouraged to cook whenever we want. The kitchen happens to be next to the stockroom that is filled with our cookbooks AND there is a grocery store just down the street.
How awesome is that? Pretty awesome!
So today at work we are cooking out of one of the cookbooks we publish, Double Take by Jeremy Holt and AJ Rathbun. What I love about this book is that the recipes are pretty straightforward - whatever you make will turn out as expected.
Which seems a trivial point, but I own a LOT of cookbooks and believe me there are plenty of recipes out there that just don't ever work out. Which is completely frustrating at 8:30pm when you are hungry and just spend $20 on groceries and are otherwise out of things to eat in the house....
The other thing I like about this book is that each recipe has a vegetarian or meatatarian option. Considering that I am a part-time meatatarian this is ideal for me.
My co-worker J and I made the Tortilla Pie both ways. Melted cheese, beans, corn, chili powder, enchilada sauce, and chorizo - yes please! But you can make it with Soyrizo (which are sold in the Boston area at Trader Joes, but we ended up using spicy Tofettes because that was what was available and it tasted fine) and it looks about as delicious.
So now I have an extra copy of Double Take to give to one lucky person. I hope that it is you!!
Just leave a comment below - more than five words please so I know you've read this far, and there'll be a random drawing on Friday.
Good luck!
Is that 5 words?
Perhaps some people don't count prepositions these days.
Just send me an email and I will get it out to you...