Pomegranate Jelly

Yep, more jelly. I am STILL a mad canner, outta control. The other day I got an email from the POM Wonderful folks, wanting to know if I'd be interested in trying out their product. Um, yeah! I LOVE pomegranate. I always have. Not as sweet as a grape, not as tart as a cranberry and a total workout to eat. Well lucky me I got a whole box of POM Wonderful . I drank one bottle with fizzy water and lemon. And made a little grenadine with another bottle. But then I decided that what I really wanted to do was to figure out how best to make the gift last as long as possible. I made ice cubes out of one bottle. Which is good for future use, but still, not quite it. So I made jelly with the rest. And it tastes DELICIOUS! It is not as sweet as the grape jelly I made earlier this week, and it tastes exactly like pomegranate. Shocker, I know. Just so you know, I typically don't use pectin. But I wasn't sure how the pomegranate juice would cook up and I did not want to risk wasting all...