A big how-dee-do!
As you can see on the right, I link to a few of my favorite blogs.
But I don't think you've been properly introduced, so here goes:
101 Cookbooks : When I am trying to eat less crappy, this is where I turn. Heidi has a terrific recipe for baked doughnuts, and also for a very good pizza dough, both of which use white whole wheat flour. Both recipes worked perfectly for me.
A Crafty Lass: This is who I want to come back as in another life. And if you make nothing else ever again from a recipe you find online, well you ought to make it the Ginger & Mary Ann.
Operation BakingGALS: I participated in a couple of "operations" and am planning to do it again. Let me know if you are interested in being a team member.
Boston Food & Whine: Tammy and I hit it off over a shared love of bento boxes and Kam Man. She writes very detailed reviews of places she's eaten, which is really helpful if you are trying to decide where to spend your hard earned buck-a-roos.
Cake Wrecks: If you can't spot the Cake wreck, then you made it. I would share my favorite, but half the fun is finding your own.
Cave Cibum: Pam is another one of my favorite people on and offline. She writes very good reviews about cheap places to eat all over the greater Boston area and also she goes out to eat with me. Plus she gave me a jar of tourshi which I promptly ate and immediately wanted more.
Food on the Food: Ahhhh FoF Tammy.... Tammy is the top of the heap in my estimation. Funny AND smart, her blog is a joy to read. Even when she is barfing up the chemo, she makes you laugh about it. Yep, b*tch makes chemo funny. How much does she ROCK? A lot, that's how much. Why are you still reading this? You should be reading Food on the Food. Seriously.
Immaeatchu: I literally only linked to this blog because a) I like the name, and b) they posted about making raw butter. Butter makes EVERYTHING better.
One Food Guy: This guy commented on my blog once, and I am a sucker for attention. And plus he posted some interesting stuff, so why the hell not link, right? Plus he did the Pan-Mass Challenge, and that is pretty awesome.
Paige's Pantry: Paige was a Calamity Shazaam/Operation BakingGALS team member, so she gets a link. Plus she made this cake:
How awesome is that? Pretty awesome!
Producepedia: Everything you want to know about fruits & veg.
Public Radio Kitchen: From one local kitchen to another, all the area culinews you'll need.
Queen of Cuisine: I forgot how this link ended up here, but her posts are pretty funny. And the recipes tend to work out for me. Which is not always the case online all the time. Yep, Cooks.com, I am talking about you.
Shamrag: Oh brother. This is my other blog. The other white meat so to speak. Well not to speak anyway. Right now we are not really on speaking terms. Well more like I am not speaking to it. I just haven't been feeling it lately and frankly I am just not that funny in the summer.
Shazam in the Kitchen: My bloggerganger!!! She makes the most fantastic fierce cupcakes I think I have ever seen. Plus tons of other delicious stuff. Another person who posts recipes that actually turn out the way they are meant to. If we ever meet, I think the internet will implode.
She's Becoming DoughMessTic: Great blog from the woman who brought us Operation BakingGALS. She gets a link for being a wonderful human being. And because her decorated sugar cookies are inspirational.
Steamy Kitchen: I bought a wok and this website taught me how to cook with it. And how to make fried rice the proper way, the kind with eggs and everything.
The Boston Foodie: I really have NO idea why I originally linked to this blog. Mostly I disagree with what he says, but you know I find that sometimes it is good to get a different perspective, and to offer it.
The Daily Spud: Please welcome the newest addition to the blog roll. TDS was introduced to me by our mutual friend Siofra and I am very excited by anything potato related. True story: I could eat a potato every day and never get sick of it. Anyway, please take a minute to check out The Daily Spud.
Young... Sophisticated... Foodie: Don't let the name fool you - you can also be old and unsophisticated and still enjoy this blog. I know the author personally so I can tell you that her bubbly and positive attitude that comes across in her writing is the same in real life. Plus her reviews are detailed and straight-forward - so if she likes it, and it sounds good to you, you'll probably like it too.
Well, that's it. If you think there is a link I would enjoy, please let me know. And if you find my funny bone laying about, please let me know as Shamrag is starting to gather dust.
But I don't think you've been properly introduced, so here goes:
101 Cookbooks : When I am trying to eat less crappy, this is where I turn. Heidi has a terrific recipe for baked doughnuts, and also for a very good pizza dough, both of which use white whole wheat flour. Both recipes worked perfectly for me.
A Crafty Lass: This is who I want to come back as in another life. And if you make nothing else ever again from a recipe you find online, well you ought to make it the Ginger & Mary Ann.
Operation BakingGALS: I participated in a couple of "operations" and am planning to do it again. Let me know if you are interested in being a team member.
Boston Food & Whine: Tammy and I hit it off over a shared love of bento boxes and Kam Man. She writes very detailed reviews of places she's eaten, which is really helpful if you are trying to decide where to spend your hard earned buck-a-roos.
Cake Wrecks: If you can't spot the Cake wreck, then you made it. I would share my favorite, but half the fun is finding your own.
Calamity Shazaam in the Kitchen - a set on Flickr: My food photos on Flickr, before I ran out of the free space. One day I will pay for it. When I get paid for taking them anyway!
Cave Cibum: Pam is another one of my favorite people on and offline. She writes very good reviews about cheap places to eat all over the greater Boston area and also she goes out to eat with me. Plus she gave me a jar of tourshi which I promptly ate and immediately wanted more.
Food on the Food: Ahhhh FoF Tammy.... Tammy is the top of the heap in my estimation. Funny AND smart, her blog is a joy to read. Even when she is barfing up the chemo, she makes you laugh about it. Yep, b*tch makes chemo funny. How much does she ROCK? A lot, that's how much. Why are you still reading this? You should be reading Food on the Food. Seriously.
Immaeatchu: I literally only linked to this blog because a) I like the name, and b) they posted about making raw butter. Butter makes EVERYTHING better.
One Food Guy: This guy commented on my blog once, and I am a sucker for attention. And plus he posted some interesting stuff, so why the hell not link, right? Plus he did the Pan-Mass Challenge, and that is pretty awesome.
Paige's Pantry: Paige was a Calamity Shazaam/Operation BakingGALS team member, so she gets a link. Plus she made this cake:

Producepedia: Everything you want to know about fruits & veg.
Public Radio Kitchen: From one local kitchen to another, all the area culinews you'll need.
Queen of Cuisine: I forgot how this link ended up here, but her posts are pretty funny. And the recipes tend to work out for me. Which is not always the case online all the time. Yep, Cooks.com, I am talking about you.
Shamrag: Oh brother. This is my other blog. The other white meat so to speak. Well not to speak anyway. Right now we are not really on speaking terms. Well more like I am not speaking to it. I just haven't been feeling it lately and frankly I am just not that funny in the summer.
Shazam in the Kitchen: My bloggerganger!!! She makes the most fantastic fierce cupcakes I think I have ever seen. Plus tons of other delicious stuff. Another person who posts recipes that actually turn out the way they are meant to. If we ever meet, I think the internet will implode.
She's Becoming DoughMessTic: Great blog from the woman who brought us Operation BakingGALS. She gets a link for being a wonderful human being. And because her decorated sugar cookies are inspirational.
Steamy Kitchen: I bought a wok and this website taught me how to cook with it. And how to make fried rice the proper way, the kind with eggs and everything.
The Boston Foodie: I really have NO idea why I originally linked to this blog. Mostly I disagree with what he says, but you know I find that sometimes it is good to get a different perspective, and to offer it.
The Daily Spud: Please welcome the newest addition to the blog roll. TDS was introduced to me by our mutual friend Siofra and I am very excited by anything potato related. True story: I could eat a potato every day and never get sick of it. Anyway, please take a minute to check out The Daily Spud.
Young... Sophisticated... Foodie: Don't let the name fool you - you can also be old and unsophisticated and still enjoy this blog. I know the author personally so I can tell you that her bubbly and positive attitude that comes across in her writing is the same in real life. Plus her reviews are detailed and straight-forward - so if she likes it, and it sounds good to you, you'll probably like it too.
Well, that's it. If you think there is a link I would enjoy, please let me know. And if you find my funny bone laying about, please let me know as Shamrag is starting to gather dust.