I made bread.
It is the Electric Dough Hook bread recipe from English Food. Yes, right now I am obsessed with this book.

On the left are the two loaves, fresh out of the oven. I quickly rubbed them all over with a nub of butter to give them a nice sheen. The fruity loaf on the right is the Fruit Tea Bread, another Grigson recipe. I once had a slice of a fruit tea cake at the Waterford Crystal cafeteria in Waterford Ireland. Ever since then I have often find myself in the kitchen with some mixed peel, a pot of cold black tea and a prayer that THIS time I will finally recreate THAT fruit tea loaf. Not this time :(

Fresh out of the oven. Wayyyy too hot to cut, but I did anyway.

And well after the loaf cooled down.
I am very happy with how this bread turned out. The crust is crunchy and the crumb is tender, just the way I like it. The recipe was unbelievably easy - I mixed it up and left it to rise this morning. I went out for a few hours and when I came home I punched it down, sorted of kneaded it a little, formed it loosely into roughly two loaves, and then let it rise again for about 45 minutes before popping it in the oven - 450 for 30 minutes.
Easy and good. Just my kind of recipe.

On the left are the two loaves, fresh out of the oven. I quickly rubbed them all over with a nub of butter to give them a nice sheen. The fruity loaf on the right is the Fruit Tea Bread, another Grigson recipe. I once had a slice of a fruit tea cake at the Waterford Crystal cafeteria in Waterford Ireland. Ever since then I have often find myself in the kitchen with some mixed peel, a pot of cold black tea and a prayer that THIS time I will finally recreate THAT fruit tea loaf. Not this time :(

Fresh out of the oven. Wayyyy too hot to cut, but I did anyway.

And well after the loaf cooled down.
I am very happy with how this bread turned out. The crust is crunchy and the crumb is tender, just the way I like it. The recipe was unbelievably easy - I mixed it up and left it to rise this morning. I went out for a few hours and when I came home I punched it down, sorted of kneaded it a little, formed it loosely into roughly two loaves, and then let it rise again for about 45 minutes before popping it in the oven - 450 for 30 minutes.
Easy and good. Just my kind of recipe.