Operation Baking Gals News
Operation Baking GALS is gearing up for Round Four and I just wanted to share a little something with you.
Today I got an email from an unfamiliar, clearly military, email address. Figuring it had to be OBG related I opened it and sure enough it was from a package recipient!
Whoo hoo!
Here what they had to say:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Ms. "Lily Von Schtoop", I really appreciated you sending those delicious cookies from miles away! Thank you, for putting your heart into baking cookies that you sent to me and my battle buddies! We really enjoyed and all we can talk about was home!! Thank you again so much for doing a great task! "Taking care of soldiers". Continue to keep us in your prayers!!! We'll do the same! Here's A Bible Verse: Matthew 25:21 - "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' " Thank You, C**** J***** Spc Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE
Ok, first let me just say that I totally shed a tear. I bake for OBG for me - I get to bake, I feel like I am part of something meaningful, it give me a sense of satisfaction to complete a project, and I genuinely pour lots of love and happy thoughts for the person I am making up the box for. However once the box is sent and shipped I sort of put it out of my mind, trusting it to get where it's going and I always include a card with my email to let the recipient know that if there is anything else they need or want, they can just send me an email and I will gladly fulfill the request.
But honestly I never expect to get an email back. I don't know why, but I just don't. Until today that is!
It makes me so happy to know that the cookies and goodies get to someone. And it makes me even more excited for Round Four!
This time around I signed on with Team SugarBakerz Sweeties and I have to say that I cannot wait to get BAKING!
Today I got an email from an unfamiliar, clearly military, email address. Figuring it had to be OBG related I opened it and sure enough it was from a package recipient!
Whoo hoo!
Here what they had to say:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Ms. "Lily Von Schtoop", I really appreciated you sending those delicious cookies from miles away! Thank you, for putting your heart into baking cookies that you sent to me and my battle buddies! We really enjoyed and all we can talk about was home!! Thank you again so much for doing a great task! "Taking care of soldiers". Continue to keep us in your prayers!!! We'll do the same! Here's A Bible Verse: Matthew 25:21 - "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' " Thank You, C**** J***** Spc Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE
Ok, first let me just say that I totally shed a tear. I bake for OBG for me - I get to bake, I feel like I am part of something meaningful, it give me a sense of satisfaction to complete a project, and I genuinely pour lots of love and happy thoughts for the person I am making up the box for. However once the box is sent and shipped I sort of put it out of my mind, trusting it to get where it's going and I always include a card with my email to let the recipient know that if there is anything else they need or want, they can just send me an email and I will gladly fulfill the request.
But honestly I never expect to get an email back. I don't know why, but I just don't. Until today that is!
It makes me so happy to know that the cookies and goodies get to someone. And it makes me even more excited for Round Four!
This time around I signed on with Team SugarBakerz Sweeties and I have to say that I cannot wait to get BAKING!
