Dinner for the opposite of champions

I am so tired I can't even concentrate right now. The saxatrumpobophone is back! And sadly it started up again last night, lasting until about 11:30pm. Which would have been ok if then the lads hadn't later decided to take to the patio at 4am for a some serious drunken conversation. And because my bedroom window faces out over the patio, the way the acoustics are, it was as if they were having a conversation in my bedroom. Grrrrrr. Suffice it to say, I was exHAUSTed today. I skulked home at little early from work and promptly collapsed on the couch. But then I got hungry. Self realization #756: I should never, ever, try to feed myself when I am tired and cranky. I really should have just ordered in a pizza or some Chinese, a little rewarding comfort food followed by a movie and a bath. That was definitely the balm my tired self needed. So what did I feed myself instead of going with lovely Plan A? A sleeve of Saltines (with butter & jam) and a bottle of fizzy water. Blur...