Deviled Eggs from Diemand Farm

As you may know by now I am a BIG fan of Diemand Farm out in Wendell MA. It is a family farm and for about five or seven years now I have been getting the Thanksgiving turkey from there. The turkeys from Diemand Farm are quite literally the best turkeys I have ever tasted. I usually put my order in around the beginning of October and then Grandpa and I go out the weekend before Thanksgiving to get it - which we call Turkey Shoot Weekend. If you want the best dang turkey ever this year, let me know. Put your order in and I will gladly pick it up for you if you don't feel like driving out to Wendell . Anyway, for various mechanical reasons that are beyond me, my Mom asked me to put 200 miles on her car so that she could have it reinspected. I had every intention of going to help my dear friend Moey make Sassy Sauce , but then of course one thing led to another and I ended up just going to the farm instead. Getting there is a crap shoot. One minute you are barreling down Route 2, th...